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Site Plan/Grading Permit

Applications for a Building Permit that include work outside the walls of a structure are required to apply for Site Plan approval and a Grading Permit.  The Building Permit will not be issued until the Site Plan is approved and the Grading Permit is issued.

Grading Permit Application
Site Plan Applications for New Buildings and Larger Developments
Site Plan Application for Small Additions

All Stormwater Pollution Prevention (SWPP) inspections shall be completed using the following inspection portal (if applicable):  SWPP Inspection Portal

Additional inspection information:  All inspections scheduled with the City will be subject to completing a SWPP inspection first.  The City will use the same checklist as the SWPP Portal.  If the site fails the SWPP inspection, the City Building Inspector will not complete the building inspection, and the inspection will need to be rescheduled once SWPP compliance is achieved.  If the site passes the SWPP inspection, the City Building Inspector will complete the inspection as scheduled.