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Boards and Commissions

The 353 Washington Redevelopment Corporation was founded on August 25, 1988.  It consists of 13 Board Members who all play an active role in the industrial development of the City of Washington, MO.  The Corporation assists various aspects of industrial development which includes the following:

•The acquisition of property for industrial park development
•Assist in the expansion of existing businesses within the community
•The recruitment of both domestic and international industries
•The marketing of the community worldwide through marketing trips
•An active regional member in the St. Louis RCGA and its endeavors in industrial development
•The Corporation interacts continuously with City of Washington’s Council and Mayor in the assistance with industrial economic development.  The Corporation’s Executive Board plays a vital role in the negotiations with the incentive plans that are offered to industrial prospects during the negotiations.

In addition to the above entities, the Washington 353 Redevelopment Corporation cooperates and assist’s in the financing, bonding, building and leasing of industrial facilities with its sister corporation, the Washington Industrial Authority and WCIC.

The 353 Redevelopment Corporation meets on the first Wednesday of every other month at 8 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.  The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Dr. Jon BauerNovember 2018November 2024
Scott BreckenkampNovember 2018November 2024
Bob DobschNovember 2018November 2024
Dr. Rachel FrannsenAugust 2022November 2024
Doug Hagedorn
April 2022April 2026
Bill Miller, Sr.November 2018November 2024
Kevin RichardsonApril 2023November 2024
Arnie SallaberryNovember 2018November 2024
Steve StrubbergNovember 2019November 2024
Pete TobbenNovember 2018November 2024
Gael WoodNovember 2018November 2024
Al Behr
Council Appointed
April 2024April 2025
Joe Holtmeier
Council Liaison
May 2023May 2024

This Board shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of Planning and Zoning requirements. The Board may affirm, modify, or reverse the decision. The concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the City Engineer, or to decide in favor of the applicant on any matter upon which it is required to pass under Planning and Zoning requirements, or to effect any variation to the Planning and Zoning requirements.

Any person jointly or severally aggrieved by any decision of the Board may file an appeal with the County Circuit Court.

The Board shall consist of five (5) members, all of whom shall be residents appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The term of office of the members of the Board of Adjustment shall be for five (5) years. The Board shall elect its own Chairman and Vice Chairman who shall serve for one (1) year. Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the Chairman.  Further details regarding the Board may be found in Chapter 475 of the Washington City Code.

The Board of Adjustment meets when required.  The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Susan HarmsFebruary 2016September 2024
Kevin KrieteJune 2020September 2026
Gwen MauntelFebruary 2017September 2024
Jason PellinJune 2020September 2025
Samantha Cerutti WackerOctober 2023September 2028
Lori Strubberg
September 2022September 2027
Vacant (alternate)

The City of Washington has adopted various Building Code guidelines. Those Codes are on file and available for review in the City Clerk’s office or the City Engineer’s office.

The Board of Appeals will review hardship cases from the Building Codes, certain materials, or certain ways of construction as defined by the Codes.  The Board consists of five (5) members with a term of office of five (5) years. Two (2) alternate members shall also be appointed to be called on by the Board Chairman during the absence of disqualification of a member. Members are appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.

Members shall consist of:
1.  A registered design professional that is a registered architect, builder, or superintendent of building construction
2.  A registered design professional with structural engineering or architectural experience
3.  A registered design professional with mechanical or plumbing engineering experience
4.  A registered design professional with electrical engineering experience
5.  A registered design professional with fire protection engineering experience

The Board of Appeals meets when required.  The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Matthew ColemannJune 2018June 2028
Brian GentgesJune 2004June 2029
Mark KluesnerJune 2004June 2029
Joe McGowanJune 2020June 2025
Steve StrubbergAugust 2018June 2027
Kurt UnnerstallSeptember 2003June 2025

The Board of Health shall have power to adopt rules and regulations for its government, not in conflict with this Code or other ordinances of this City. They shall exercise a general supervision over the health of the City and shall see that the laws and ordinances of the City in relation thereto are observed and enforced. They shall have power to require the Chief of Police or any Policeman to enter into and examine, in the daytime, any and all buildings, lots and places of every kind and description, which, in the opinion of the Board, may be dangerous to the public health, and such officers shall make report of their examinations in such manner as may be prescribed by the Board. They shall have control of any City hospital or building used for that purpose, and of quarantine, when established, and shall make all necessary rules for the government thereof. They shall use every precaution to prevent the introduction into this City of any malignant, contagious or infectious disease, and may remove to the City hospital, or some building used for that purpose, any person or persons attacked by such disease or contagion.

The membership of the Board of Health shall consist of the Mayor, one (1) member of the City Council from each ward of the City, and the City Physician. The Board of Health shall convene for the transaction of business upon the call of the Mayor or any two (2) members of the Board whenever, in their judgment, the public safety requires such action. Whenever a member shall be prevented by sickness, absence from the City or any other unavoidable cause, from attending regular or special meetings of the Board, then the Councilperson representing the same ward shall serve as a member for the time being.  Further details regarding the Board may be found in Chapter 125 of the Washington City Code.

The Board of Health meets when required.  The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Doug Hagedorn
Presiding Officer
April 2022April 2026
Al Behr
Ward 1
April 2024April 2025
Mark Hidritch
Ward 2
April 2024April 2025
Chad Briggs
Ward 3
April 2024April 2025
Mike Coulter
Ward 4
April 2024April 2025
Thomas B. Riechers, MD, FACS
City Physician
March 2024March 2025

The Board of Public Works shall operate and supervise the City Waterworks and Sewer Systems of the City. All improvements and extensions of the City Waterworks and Sewer System shall be under their supervision. The Board shall fix the water and sewer rates to be paid by consumers of water and sewer services, provide rules and regulations pertaining to the use of water and sewer services and convey the same from the water mains to the consumer and from the swellings and buildings within the City to the sewage treatment plants. The Board shall from time to time submit in writing proposed rules and regulations for the operation of the systems, which rules and regulations shall be approved by the City Council by ordinance or otherwise, as appropriate.

The Board of Public Works shall be authorized to appoint for the management and operation of the City Waterworks and Sewage Systems, one (1) Superintendent. The Superintendent shall furnish the Board with such information as it may require of him relative to such systems.

The Board shall consist of four (4) members. They shall be citizens of the City of Washington who have resided therein for a period of two (2) years next before their appointment. The members of the Board shall hold office for a term of four (4) years each or until their successors are appointed and qualified.  Further details regarding the Board can be found in Chapter 120 of the Washington City Code.

The Board of Public Works meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Brad MitchellJune 2011June 2027
Michael RadeticJune 2016June 2028
Steve RichardsonJanuary 2018June 2025
John VietmeierAugust 2009June 2026
Chad Briggs
Liaison Assignment
May 2024May 2025
Mike Coulter
Liaison Assignment
May 2024May 2025
Ex-Officio Members:
Steve StrubbergNovember 2017November 2025
The Washington Historic Preservation Commission provides a mechanism to identify and preserve the distinctive historic and architectural characteristics of Washington which represent elements of the City’s cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history. They are to foster and encourage preservation, restoration and rehabilitation of structures, areas and neighborhoods relating to the historical background of the City.

To mention only a few of the Commission’s activities, they promote ongoing survey work to identify historically and architecturally significant properties. They investigate and recommend to the City Plan Commission and City Council the adoption of ordinances related to historic preservation. They keep a register of all properties and structures which have been designated as Landmarks or Historic Districts. They are to inform and educate the citizens of Washington concerning the historic and architectural heritage of the community.

The Commission consists of seven (7) members, all of whom shall be residents of the City of Washington. The Mayor shall make every reasonable effort to appoint persons with a demonstrated interest in the historical preservation of the City. The term of office is five (5) years.  Further details regarding the Washington Historic Preservation Commission can be found in Chapter 480 of the Washington City Code.

Meetings of the City of Washington, Missouri, Historic Preservation Commission are held on the second Monday in February, May, August and November at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.  The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Bryan BogueAugust 2007August 2026
Andrew ClaryFebruary 2016August 2025
Deanna FitzgeraldAugust 2023August 2024
Rick HoppMay 2010August 2025
Joe McGowanSeptember 2023August 2028
Tim PoepselSeptember 2023August 2024
Carolyn WittJune 2012August 2025
Mark Hidritch
Liaison Assignment
May 2024May 2025
Jeff Patke
Liaison Assignment
May 2024May 2025

The Washington Industrial Development Authority was founded in 1979.  It is a nine member board and is charged with the primary purpose to issue tax exempt industrial bonds for new and expanding manufacturing industries within the City of Washington, MO. The bonds can be issued for up to $20,000,000 per industry.  The interest on the bonds is tax exempt from both us and the State of Missouri taxes.  The community of Washington has finance numerous industries over the last three decades.

The annual meeting of the City of Washington, Missouri, Industrial Development Authority is held in January of each year at 11 a.m.; however, a meeting can be called when required.  Meetings are held in the Council Chambers of City Hall and are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Bryan BogueApril 2023May 2030
Scott BreckenkampOctober 2019May 2027
Robert DobschJuly 1995May 2025
Chris EckelkampOctober 2019May 2025
Walter HellebuschJanuary 1991May 2029
Luke MeyerApril 2023May 2025
Arnie SallaberryJuly 1997May 2027
Julie ScannellMarch 2017May 2030
Pete TobbenJuly 1997May 2027
Bill Straatmann
Ex-Officio Advisor

The Library Board shall make and adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of the library as may be expedient. They shall appoint a properly qualified librarian who shall be the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer for the Library.

The Board shall have control of the expenditure of all monies collected to the credit of the Library Fund. They shall be responsible for the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms or buildings constructed, leased or set apart for Library purpose. The Board may extend the privileges and use of the Library to non-residents through agreements with other existing libraries allowing for exchanges of services, upon such terms and conditions as the Boards of the Libraries may prescribe.

The Mayor shall, with the approval of the City Council, appoint a Library Board of nine (9) Trustees, chosen from the citizens at large. The term of office is three (3) years. No member of the Board shall serve for more than three (3) successive full terms and shall not be eligible for further appointment to the Board until two (2) years after the expiration of the third term. No Trustee shall receive compensation as such, and no person shall be employed by the Board who is related either by blood or by marriage to any Trustee of the Board.

No member of the City Government shall be a member of the Board. Each year, a Council Member is appointed as Liaison between the Board and the Council.  Further details regarding the Library Board can be found in Chapter 230 of the Washington City Code.

The Library Board meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Library Meeting Room.  The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Leanne GisburneJune 2017June 2026
Doug Holdmeyer
August 2021June 2027
Jamie HoltmeierJune 2023June 2026
Molly ManiaciJuly 2024July 2027
Gretchen PettetNovember 2023June 2026
Joette ReidyJuly 2024July 2027
Katie SchonaertsJune 2015June 2024
Barbara VolmertJune 2016June 2025
Susan WehmuellerAugust 2021June 2027
Carolyn WittFebruary 2020June 2025
Chad Briggs
Liaison Assignment
May 2024May 2025
Mark Hidritch
Liaison Assignment
May 2024May 2025

The City Parks and Recreation Commission works with the Parks and Recreation Director to manage, maintain and supervise all City park property and establish new parks. The Commission shall assist with making rules and regulations recommendations concerning parks, their use and management.  Rules and regulations recommendations are submitted to the City Council and are approved in an open meeting.

The Commission shall consist of nine (9) Commissioners, chosen from the citizens and taxpayers of the City with reference to their fitness for such office. The members of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor and affirmed by the City Council.  The term of office is three (3) years. Each year, three (3) Commissioners will be appointed to hold offices for three (3) years and until their successors are appointed. No member of the Municipal Government shall be a member of this Board. Two (2) Council Members shall be appointed each year to act as Liaisons between the Commission and Council.  Further details regarding the Commission can be found in Chapter 120 of the Washington City Code.

The Parks Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Bob DzurickNovember 2019June 2025
John FreitagJune 2023June 2026
Robert KloeppelDecember 2007June 2025
Kevin KrieteNovember 2018June 2025
Tessie SteffensJune 2005June 2026
Sparky StuckenschneiderJuly 2007June 2025
Betty WernerMarch 2018June 2025
Jeanne Miller-WoodJuly 2022July 2025
Gavin WoolleyFebruary 2018June 2026
Al Behr
Liaison Assignment
May 2024May 2025
Jeff Patke
Liaison Assignment
May 2024May 2025
Dave Wehmeyer
(non-voting member)

The Commission shall, from time to time, recommend to the appropriate public officials programs for public structures and improvements and for the financing thereof.

The Commission shall immediately, upon the City annexing unincorporated areas into the City of Washington, make recommendations to the City Council as to the proposed zoning for said newly annexed area.

It shall be the function and duty of the Commission to make and adopt a Comprehensive Plan for the physical development of the City. The Plan shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the City which will, in accordance with present and future needs, best promote health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare, as well as efficiency and economy in the process of development, including among other things, adequate provision for traffic, the promotion of safety from fire and other dangers, adequate provision for light and air, the promotion of the healthful and convenient distribution of population, the promotion of good civic design, arrangement, wise and efficient expenditure of public funds and adequate provisions of public utilities and other public requirements.

The Commission is authorized and directed to make and adopt a comprehensive Zoning Plan for the City in accordance with provisions of and for the purposes enumerated I Chapter 89, RSMo.  The Commission shall review submissions of changes to zoning, requests for special use permits, preliminary subdivision plats, and other items specifically related to the overall planning and zoning within the City of Washington.

The Commission shall consist of nine (9) members, including the Mayor, a member of the Council selected by the Council, and seven (7) citizens appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council. The term of each citizen member shall be for four (4) years. Further details regarding the Board can be found in Chapter 140 of the Washington City Code.

The Planning and Zoning Commission meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
John Borgmann
April 2009April 2025
Rocco GonzalezMay 2023April 2027
Doug Hagedorn
April 2022April 2026
Thomas HoldmeierApril 1999April 2027
Mark KluesnerFebruary 2017April 2026
Chuck WatsonApril 2016April 2028
Carolyn WittNovember 2013April 2026
Mike WoodOctober 2021April 2025
Chad Briggs
Liaison Assignment
April 2024April 2025
Mark Piontek
City Attorney

The Washington Urban Forestry Council is committed to fostering an increased awareness of and appreciation for the entire tree population of the Washington Community, on private property and city grounds alike!  Our goal is to provide assistance to anyone for all aspects of tree selection, planting and maintenance.

The Urban Forestry Council meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Main Stage, Lower Level.

Committee MembersAppointedTerm Expires
Bob BriscoeSeptember 2020March 2025
William Davit
March 2005March 2027
Harvey MendezJune 2023May 2026
Franz MayerMarch 2005March 2027
John SteffensMarch 2005March 2026
Gabriel WaterhouseJanuary 2022January 2025
Dave WehmeyerMarch 2017March 2027
Gavin WoolleyDecember 2021March 2027
Wayne Dunker
Ex-Officio Member
January 2019
Mark Hidritch
Liaison Assignment
May 2024May 2025