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No Visit List

Here you will find a list of all addresses wishing to not be contacted by Canvassers, Peddlers and Solicitors.  The No Visit List Form can be submitted by:
1.  Return the completed paper form to the following address:  City Clerk, Sherri Klekamp, 405 Jefferson Street, Washington, MO 63090
2.  Email completed form to:
3.  Complete fillable form

Section 610.160 of the Code of the City of Washington prohibits Canvassers, Peddlers or Solicitors  from entering upon any private property where the current occupant has posted the property on the City’s “no visit” list except where the posting form indicates the occupant has given permission for this type of visit. This prohibition does not apply when the Canvasser, Peddler or Canvasser has an express invitation from the resident or occupant of a dwelling allowing him/her to enter upon the property.

If you desire to be included on the City of Washington’s “No Visit” List please indicate this on the form.  Please Note: You will remain on the No Visit List until you move or request to be removed.

Canvasser, Peddler and Solicitor Definitions
No Visit List Form
