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Explorers & Reserve Officer Program

The Washington Police Department proudly sponsors Police Explorer Post 2438. This post is an organization made up of boys and girls interested in the field of law enforcement. Their ages range from 14 to 21. A requirement to maintain membership is that while in school, they must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C) in order to stay active with the Explorers.

The Explorers attend regular meetings held once a week on Sunday. They are trained in all aspects of law enforcement by experienced officers from the Washington Police Department and other certified instructors. This includes how to respond to various calls and how to handle different situations. Examples of training include, but are not limited to, accident investigation, burglaries, domestic disputes, traffic stops, and how to safely effect an arrest. Explorers are allowed to ride along with on-duty police officers to gain a first-hand view of the world of police work.

The Explorers are a subsidiary of the Boy Scouts of America, and each odd-numbered year the St. Louis Area Council sponsors a police academy, which is held at an area University campus specifically for Explorers. This involves further instruction in the area of law enforcement but the instructors come from a variety of agencies, including the F.B.I., Postal Inspectors, St. Louis City and County Police, and various Bomb Squads.

In even-numbered years, Explorers attend a competition conference that is held in various states where they compete against one another in various activities. The Washington Post has traveled and competed against Posts in areas like Washington D.C., Atlanta, Georgia, and Flagstaff, Arizona. Our Post has won many awards at these international competitions and have participated in Opening and Closing ceremonies. The Explorers conduct many work details and fund raisers, such as barbecues, to help with the cost of all these functions.

The Washington Police Explorers assist the Washington Police Department with various details throughout the year, such as traffic direction at parades, counting vehicles and providing other assistance at D.W.I. Checkpoints, and they also work the grounds at our annual Town & Country Fair.

The Washington Police Explorer Post has produced several young men and women that have gone on to become police officers in both military and civilian departments. It is an organization that the City of Washington is extremely proud of.

Interested young men and women may inquire about becoming a member of this fine organization by contacting the Washington Police Department at (636) 390-1050.

The Washington Police Department has a Police Reserve unit that has become more active in the past few years. The function of a police reserve force is to supplement the regular work force with volunteer personnel who possess the proper state license that regular police officers have.

These volunteer officers apply for the position and must undergo a background check and other scrutiny prior to being accepted as a reserve officer. Once accepted and approved by City Council, they are supplied with all equipment, including uniforms, weapons, etc. They ride along with our officers to supplement our manpower and gain valuable experience. They have minimum requirements they must maintain in order to continue in their capacity as a reserve officer. Reserve officers are counted on to work parades, the annual Town and Country Fair, DWI checkpoints, and many other events that occur during the year.

The Washington Police Reserve unit is a valuable entity and serves our community well.

If you are interested in the Reserve Officer Program, please call (636) 390-1050.