
The Engineering Department handles stormwater related issues for the City of Washington. On this page you will find helpful information for how that is accomplished, how to report issues, and how to get involved.

Stormwater is rain water that falls and lands on houses, streets, parking lots, and the land. It then flows in storm inlets and through storm drains eventually making its way to creeks and rivers. This water system is untreated and everything that ends up in the drains makes it to the waterways. Therefore no chemicals or other pollutants should be disposed down storm inlets. Pollution from stormwater can be harmful to the environment, wildlife, and humans.

The goal of the City is to meet federal and state laws and to help improve water quality in our community. Everyone can make a difference so please help keep our waterways safe and clean for wildlife and people.

State and Federal Environmental Compliance

 The City of Washington is regulated and permitted by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to operate our municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) under the NPDES Phase II MS4 Permit. This system includes roads, curb and gutter, catch basins, ditches, storm drains and more. This permit has requirements Public Education and Outreach, Public Participation and Involvement, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Control, Post Construction Runoff Control, Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping.

 The City is working to increase awareness of water quality issues to residents, businesses, and developers. It is a community effort to keep our streams and waters clean.

 View these links to explore more about the permitting and City Ordinances involving storm water.

Getting Involved

The Engineering Department is looking for more ways to get Public Participation with Storm water quality activities and events. Each Spring the City puts on an Earth Day Event. Last year the event was held at the Farmer’s Market and students from the Washington High School Environmental Club had stormwater information displayed and put on an Enviroscape demonstration to show how stormwater runs through a city and picks up pollutants as it makes its way to the river. Currently we are looking into more ways for public education and participation events such as rain barrel classes, stream clean up events, and more.

Please see the link below to take a short survey to tell us what type of events you would be most interested in participating.


The Washington High School Environmental Club brought Stormwater Awareness to the Arbor & Earth Day Event in April of 2024.

Water wise

Waterwise Wednesday

The City has also started an education program through the new City App and Social Media called Water Wise Wednesday. Every Wednesday through the City App we post information and tips about how to improve stormwater quality.

Storm Drain