Sewer Lateral

Sewer Laterals are the pipes that connect from the residence or building to the City’s sewer main. Sewer laterals are the responsibility of the property owner to maintain from the City main including the connection back to the property. That includes portions that may be under City sidewalks and streets. The City has responsibility of all City mains.

Sewer laterals can often become blocked due to buildup, roots, or other damage. They can also be caused by backups in the City main line. If you are experiencing a back up follow the “Sewer Backup Guidance” below and contact the Wastewater Department.

All sewer lateral repair and work requires a Sewer Lateral Permit. If the work will include cutting into the street or sidewalks, this will also require a right-of-way permit. For any questions about sewer lateral permits please contact the Engineering Department 636-390-1010.

Cost of sewer lateral repairs can be expensive. To help with some of the costs the City came up with the Sewer Lateral Infiltration Elimination Program (SLIEP) which helps reimburse some costs of sewer lateral replacements or sliplining. The program is to help eliminate stormwater infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. For more information click on tab below.