Elected Officials

The City of Washington is a City of the third class duly organized under Missouri State laws, with a Council/Administrator form of government.  The Council consists of eight (8) members and a Mayor that are city selected on a non-partisan basis.  The City Administrator is appointed by the Council and is responsible for day-to-day operations of the City.

The City provides its citizens with typical services, such as street maintenance and construction, police and fire protection, code enforcement, engineering and planning, facilities inspections and parks and recreation.  These services are financed from general revenues of the City.  The City provides water, sewer, and sanitation services derived from revenues from user fees.  Ameren Missouri provides the City with electricity and Spire Energy provides gas service.  The Missouri Public Service Commission regulates these companies.

Washington’s Community Vision

Washington will leverage its rich history, riverfront environment, and economic development success to position itself as an innovative and regionally-recognized complete community to support regional cooperation, a highly skilled workforce, a diverse economy, and a vibrant high quality of life for current and future residents.


The Mayor shall be President of the Council, but shall not vote upon the passage of any bill, resolution or other matter coming before the Council, except in the case of a tie in the Council, when he/she shall cast the deciding vote. However, he/she shall have no such power to vote in cases when he/she is an interested party.

At the hour designated for Council meetings the President shall call the Council to order, and after calling the roll, if a quorum is present, he/she shall call for the correction and approval of the minutes of the last preceding meeting. He/She shall preserve order and decorum and decide all questions of order, subject, however, to an appeal to the Council.

No person shall be Mayor unless he/she be at least thirty (30) years of age, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the City of Washington at the time of and for two (2) years next preceding his/her election. The term of office for the Mayor is four (4) years. The annual salary of the Mayor shall be set by ordinance by the City Council.

For further information on the duties and responsibilities of the Mayor, see Chapters 110 and 115 of the Washington City Code.

Doug Hagedorn


Doug Hagedorn
(636) 390-1000


The City Council consists of eight (8) members, two (2) from each Ward of the City. The two (2) Councilmembers from each ward are elected in alternate years with each serving for two (2) years.

Councilmembers are to be regular in attendance, be cognizant of the items under discussion, and shall vote on all questions unless excused by the Council or are directly interested in the question.

No person shall be a Councilmember unless he/she is at least twenty-one (21) years of age, a citizen of the United States and an inhabitant of the City for one (1) year next preceding his election, and a resident of the Ward from which he/she is elected six (6) months next preceding his/her election. The term of office for Councilmember is two (2) years. The annual salary of a Councilmember shall be set by ordinance by the City Council.

For further information on the duties and responsibilities of the Council, see Chapter 110 of the Washington City Code.

Al Behr

Ward 1

Al Behr
(636) 390-9966

Duane Reed

Ward 1

Duane Reed
(636) 239-0171

Mark Hidritch

Ward 2

Mark Hidritch
(636) 239-7925

Mark Wessels

Ward 2

Mark Wessels
(636) 667-0025

Chad Briggs

Ward 3

Chad Briggs
(636) 221-1818

Jeff Patke

Ward 3

Jeff Patke

Mike Coulter

Ward 4

Mike Coulter
(636) 359-1253

Joe Holtmeier

Ward 4

Joe Holtmeier
(636) 239-6473

City Attorney

The duties of the City Attorney shall be to prosecute all violations of the Washington City Code, or other City ordinances, and handle appeals in connection therewith. To make written recommendations and draft bills and ordinances in connection with the proper administration of justice as related to violations of the Washington City Code, or other City ordinances. If requested by the Mayor or City Administrator, to attend meetings of the City Council when the City Counselor is unavailable. If requested by the Mayor or City Administrator, to perform such other duties related to his/her position as may be required.

A person licensed to practice law in the State of Missouri shall be elected City Attorney by the Qualified voters of the City, and shall hold his/her office for a term of two (2) years, and until his/her successor is duly elected and qualified.

(NOTE: In the City of Washington, the City Attorney currently has also been appointed as City Counselor)

Mark Piontek

City Counselor, City Attorney

Mark Piontek