Wastewater Industrial Pretreatment Program
Overview: The City of Washington developed an Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) to comply with requirements from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. This program aims to protect the City's publicly owned treatment works (POTW), or the combined sewer collection system and wastewater treatment plant (WTTP), wastewater workers, and the Missouri River from harmful wastewater discharges.
Key Components:
Industrial User Wastewater Permits: The IPP controls wastewater discharges from indirect dischargers, commonly referred to as industrial users (IU), by issuing IU permits to Significant Industrial Users (SIU). IU permits include numeric limits and implementation of management practices such as slug control and operation and maintenance of IU wastewater pretreatment facilities. Because the City’s WWTP is designed to treat only domestic waste, these permits ensure:
that incompatible pollutants do not interfere with the WWTP,
protection of the sewer collection system,
protection of wastewater workers,
biosolids or sludge disposal is not hindered, and
that untreatable pollutants do not pass through the WTTP to the Missouri River.
Compliance: SIUs must conduct routine self-monitoring of their wastewater discharges and report compliance status to IPP staff. Additionally, IPP staff conducts routine surveillance monitoring and inspections of SIUs to monitor permit compliance.
Chapter 705 of the City of Washington Code of Ordinances: This ordinance implements the City’s Pretreatment Program as mandated by the Clean Water Act. Chapter 705’s general and specific prohibitions apply to any non-domestic IUs that introduce wastewater into the POTW.
Industrial User Surveys: Periodically, per 40 CFR 403, surveys are conducted to identify the character and volume of pollutants from IUs. To survey these IUs, the city sends questionnaires via US mail; however, IUs are required to immediately notify the city in writing of any changes to the character and volume of discharged wastewater.
Additional Programs:
Dental Amalgam Rule: Dental Offices that remove or replace dental amalgams must submit one-time compliance reports (OTCR). See City of Washington Part 441 Dental Category Compliance Letter to Dental Offices in Downloadable Sheets. See also Dental Amalgam Rule under Related Links and the One-Time Compliance Report for Dental Dischargers MO 780-2834 | Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
High Strength Pollutant Surcharge Program: This cost recovery program charges users that discharge high strength domestic waste that exceeds normal domestic waste concentrations. This program applies to industrial and commercial users and may be applied in an industrial user permit; however, these concentrations are not permitted pretreatment standards and not enforceable under IPP. See Surcharge Program in https://www.washmo.gov/o/cw/page/wastewater.
Related Links:
City of Washington Wastewater
City of Washington Economic Development
Dental Amalgam Rule
DNR Wastewater Pretreatment
General Pretreatment Regulations, Code of Federal Regulations
Controlling Fats. Oils and Grease Discharges from Food Services Establishments
Downloadable Forms :
Commercial/Industrial User Pretreatment Short Questionnaire
Pretreatment Permit Application Form and Baseline Monitoring Report
Accidental Spills Form
PFAS Information Request Form
Downloadable Sheets :
Pretreatment Requirements for Industrial Users
City of Washington Part 441 Dental Category Compliance Letter to Dental Offices
Questions about City of Washington’s IPP?
Contact the Pretreatment Coordinator at 636-390-1034 or Wastewater in Public Works at 636-390-1076.
Wastewater Treatment Plant
200 Kingsland Drive
Washington, MO 63090
(636) 390-1033