SRO & D.A.R.E. Program
In cooperation with the School District of Washington, we implemented our School Resource Officer Program during the 1999-2000 school year. We have 3 School Resource Officers who work with over 2,000 students and staff in the school district.
Our school resource officers possess a skill set unique among both law enforcement and education personnel that enables them to protect the community and the campus while supporting the educational mission. The presence of school resource and DARE officers in our local schools has become an important part of our duty to protect children and staff on campus. Parents and local officials in our community enjoy the relationship with our police as part of a school safety plan. The specialized knowledge they have of the law, local and national crime trends and safety threats, people and places in the community, and the local juvenile-justice system combine to make them critical members of our schools’ policy-making teams.
We’re very proud to say our DARE program reaches over 900 kids at the elementary schools, middle school, and parochial schools in our area, with future plans to host DARE for home schooled children. All 3 of our School Resource Officers teach the DARE program all year round, host spectacular DARE graduations, and participate in many social events around our community. We are always looking for fun and intuitive ways to improve our program with the gracious donations we receive from our amazing community. We use our donations to improve the gifts each DARE graduate receives and allows us to bring in special guests to perform at our graduations.