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Employee Committees

The Council Workshop Committee is made up of elected officials and city employees. Its purpose is to discuss items regarding the city that are administrative and operational in nature. Such things as Human Resources, Health and Public Safety, General Administration matters, Financial matters, streets, parks, sewers, water service, speed limits, stop signs, law enforcement, and ordinances relating to such subjects and other items related to the City of Washington departments involved in the physical structure of the city.  All Council members and the Mayor are members of the Committee.

The purpose is to discuss details of various items pertaining to the administration and operations of the City. While some items are decided during the Committee meeting (i.e. such as directing the City Staff to prepare a study, or the evaluation and determination of at what pay grade a particular job should be rated), the majority of items are forwarded to the full Council for final discussion and passage.

The Council Workshop Committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersPosition
Doug HagedornMayor
Al BehrCouncilmember Ward 1
Duane ReedCouncilmember Ward 1
Mark HidritchCouncilmember Ward 2
Mark WesselsCouncilmember Ward 2
Chad BriggsCouncilmember Ward 3
Jeff PatkeCouncilmember Ward 3
Mike CoulterCouncilmember Ward 4
Joe HoltmeierCouncilmember Ward 4
Nelson AppellLibrary Director
Tony BonastiaStreet Superintendent
Wayne DunkerParks Director
Tim FrankenbergFire Chief
Sherri KlekampCity Clerk
Darren LambCity Administrator
Aaron GriesheimerEconomic Development Director
Jim ArmstrongPolice Chief
Jennifer BruneCommunications Director
Blake MarquartBuilding Inspector
Shauna PfitzingerHuman Resources Manager
Kevin QuaethemWater/Wastewater Superintendent
Justin FrankenbergEmergency Management Director
Tammy AlsopFinance Director
Charles StankovicCity Engineer
Sarah SkeenCity Planner/GIS Specialist

It shall be the duty of the Traffic Commission, and to this end it shall have the authority within the limits of the funds at its disposal, to coordinate traffic activities, to supervise the preparation and publication of traffic reports, to receive complaints having to do with traffic matters, and to recommend to the legislative body of the City and to the City Traffic Engineer, the Chief of the Traffic Division, and other City Officials ways and means for improving traffic conditions and the administration and enforcement of traffic regulations.

The Washington Traffic Commission meets on the first Friday of each month at 8 a.m. at the Public Safety Building. The meetings are open to the public.

Committee MembersPosition
Charles StankovicCity Engineer
Jim ArmstrongPolice Chief
Mike GrissomPatrol Officer
Mark PiontekCity Attorney
Chad BriggsCouncil Liaison
Duane ReedCouncil Liaison